It’s not like people move everyday (except professional movers), and while you’re in a hurry to organize your things and get them in the right places, the care you take in packing may lack a bit. Here are some moving packing tips that can help you keep up the speed while treating your items with kid-gloves.
First, you should have plenty of supplies. Estimate how many moving boxes you will need and in what sizes and shapes. Purchase plenty of packing tape, and have scissors, a box cutter, or a tape gun handy for cutting the tape. Also, a dark felt tip marker will come in handy to label your boxes--or you can use a different colored label for each room. Bubble wrap, newspaper, or packing tissue is also a necessity to prevent fragile items from breaking and to pack each box tightly.
It's also a good idea to keep your important papers and fragile, valuable items separately. You could put them in a fire safe or in a safe deposit box. These should come with you on the day of the move; do not leave them with the moving company.
Your "last in, first out" box should be filled with things you will want right away when you get to your new destination. This might include sheets for the bed, towels and a shower curtain, a telephone, and some pens and paper.